Excellium Pro Concentrate
Excellium Diesel is a premium fuel designed to clean diesel engines and keep them clean - delivering longstanding protection that improves efficiency and economy while reducing pollution.
Excellium products are manufactured and sold worldwide by TotalEnergies.
While Excellium premium diesel is not available in Australia, the concentrate used to upgrade standard diesel - Excellium Pro Concentrate – is available in Australia through GreenTECH Fuels.
Excellium Pro Concentrate, when applied to standard diesel, makes it performs like premium diesel.
While the quality of diesel in Australia is high, all fuel degrades when stored, and all diesel engines (even new engines with the latest technologies) are affected by ageing diesel, resulting in less efficient combustion, reduced performance, adversely impacting fuel economy and emissions.
Excellium Pro Concentrate, when applied to stored diesel, ensure that fuel performs at its best.
Distinguishing features of Excellium Pro Concentrate include the following:
It is organic and non-metallic.
It is multifunctional.
Its constituents are well documented.
It is fully tested.
It is used throughout the world.
It is the only diesel concentrate manufactured by a major energy company.