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HOW MUCH CO2 IS GENERATED FROM DIESEL?Every litre of diesel burned generates 2.86 kg CO2-e/L - Full cycle, - Scopes 1 and 3.
WHAT ARE SCOPE ONE, TWO and THREE EMISSIONS?Scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions are the emissions released to the atmosphere as a direct result of an activity or series of activities at a facility level. Scope one emissions are sometimes referred to as direct emissions. Examples are: emissions produced from manufacturing processes, such as with cement. emissions from the burning of diesel fuel in trucks fugitive emissions, such as methane emissions from coal mines, or production of electricity by burning coal. Scope one emissions are specified under the NGER legislation and must be reported. ​ Scope two greenhouse gas emissions are the emissions released to the atmosphere from the indirect consumption of an energy commodity. For example, 'indirect emissions' come from the use of electricity produced by the burning of coal in another facility. ​ Scope two emissions from one facility are part of the scope 1 emissions from another facility. ​ For example, a power station burns coal to power its generators and, in turn, creates electricity. Burning the coal causes greenhouse emissions to be emitted. These gases are attributed to the power station as scope one emissions. If the electricity is then transmitted to a car factory and used there to power its machinery and lighting, the gases emitted as a result of generating the electricity are then attributed to the factory as scope two emissions. ​ Scope two emissions are specified under the NGER legislation and must be reported. ​ Scope three greenhouse gas emissions are not reported under the NGER Scheme but can be used under Australia's National Greenhouse Accounts. ​ Scope three emissions are indirect greenhouse gas emissions other than scope 2 emissions that are generated in the wider economy. They occur as a consequence of the activities of a facility, but from sources not owned or controlled by that facility's business. Some examples are extraction and production of purchased materials, transportation of purchased fuels, use of sold products and services, and flying on a commercial airline by a person from another business. ​ Source:
CAN I PURCHASE ADDITIONAL CARBON CREDITS TO OFFSET THE BALANCE OF CO2 EMISSIONS GENERATED FROM MY DIESEL USAGE?Yes - Customers can choose to purchase additional Carbon Credits to offset all CO2 emissions from diesel used and treated with TotalEnergies Excellium Pro Concentrate.
WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS TO MY BUSINESS OF REDUCING OR OFFSETTING CARBON EMISSIONS AND BUYING CARBON CREDITS?Some of the benefits include: Aids or Strengthens Existing Emissions Reduction Strategies. CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Embracing social change and responsibility by enhancing green credentials. Brand Value - Enhances Communication Strategies and influences how customers view your business, suppliers, staff (attracting and retaining), communities and stakeholders. Future-proofing - Positioning against future or existing regulations. Addressing Market Pressure and Risk - more and more companies are expected to take a leading role in becoming more environmentally conscious and responsible in their business model.
IS THIS NOT JUST ANOTHER ‘ADDITIVE?’EPC+ is the only ‘concentrate’ developed and manufactured by one of the big four energy companies. Developed by TotalEnergies EPC+ has been tested over 12 million kilometres delivering savings of 2% to 5%. Its uniquely organic and ashless. It also contains a marker to facilitate monitoring results.
HOW DO WE MEASURE RESULTS?Trial data have compared EPC+ treated results with baseline data. Trials have consistently delivered fleet savings of between 2% and 5%. Customised measurement approaches can be developed for each user. The dosing system provides a precise measure of fuel and EPC+ consumption.
WHY IS THERE SUCH VARIABILITY BETWEEN TESTS?There will always be variability related to vehicle type, the type of work, the age of vehicles and operator behaviour. That said, all fleets tested, regardless vehicle types, the work, the age of vehicles and operator behaviour have cut consumption and emissions by between 2% and 5%.
WILL USING EPC+ VOID OEM WARRANTIES?Original Equipment Manufacturer warranties provide for ‘commercially available fuels.’ When mixed with standard diesel, EPC+ delivers the post-mix version of the pre-mixed commercially available Excelium Premium sold worldwide in 15,000 service stations and in bulk.
WHAT ARE THE CONTINUITY OF SUPPLY GUARANTEES?As soon as we place an order on behalf of a client, estimated future orders are scheduled with TotalEnergies. We also monitor consumption, using the dosing system, to ensure reliable dosing and supply. That said, running out of EPC+ would not disrupt operations.
WHAT ARE THE CONSTITUENTS OF EPC+?The constituents of EPC+ are commercially in confidence. They are no known by GreenTECH Fuel. What has been made clear to GreenTECH are the benefits including reductions in diesel consumption and emissions.
WHAT MAKES EPC+ THE BEST OPTION?Put simply, because it is manufactured by TotalEnergies, the world’s 4th largest energy business, EPC+ consistently delivers fuel and emissions saving. In addition, it is ashless, organic, and has been tested over 12 million kilometres before being sold through 15,000 service stations.
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